A bold new frontier

For the first time in television and gaming history, Syfy and Trion created a transmedia experience where events in the game affect the storyline of the show and vice-versa. To announce this ambitious endeavor, Syfy released a media blitz surpassed only by the rebranding of the channel to Syfy.

 Defiance domination 

A comprehensive nationwide-wide media spend included outdoor units, print publications, digital advertising, website takeovers and social placements.

A transmedia trailer on YouTube

Users watching trailers about Defiance on YouTube were asked unexpectedly to join the battle for Earth by the main character. The trailer transforms into a simple first-person shooter communicating that Defiance is both a show and a video game.

A virtual tour of Defiance

The digital press kit for Defiance included screeners and a stainless steel USB drive that when removed, mimicked the broken arch of St. Louis from the show. The drive contained an interactive guide of the town with a synopsis of each character and actor's bio.

Defiance invades Comic Con

With airport signage, cars and buses, massive billboards, and a restaurant takeover all branded with Defiance art, visitors couldn't help but learn about the show. Booths were also available for convention-goers to play the game while the cast participated in speaking panels. 

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